HVAT Remote Starter Disable/Enble Setup

HVAT Remote Starter Disable/Enble Setup

HVAT Remote Starter Disable/Enble Setup

This guide focuses on the setup and use of High Value Asset Trackers (HVAT) device as a MiFleet solution, using the TTU2830 GPS tracker.


For Hardware Install, please see the appropriate guide

For Purchasing, please reach out to sales on for information on purchasing this equipment/solution.

Requires MiFleet hardwire GPS tracker

5C875 starter disable

MiFleet Configuration

These settings will already be pre-populated by MiFleet at account setup. If not, please reach out to fleetsupport@mifleet.us to add these additional features:

Unit Properties

General Tab

Must have phone number

Commands Tab

Must have Starter Disable / Enable commands already filled, with the phone number displayed

Using the command

To use the starter disable/enable command:

Under the monitoring tab, there will be a command button (highlighted below)

If this button isn’t already added to the main panel, you’ll need to click on the Monitoring Panel menu (3 dots), then select to add the GPRS command button, or simply click on the drop down next on the row for that vehicle.


Then you can select from the below commands (shown below):


Recording Activated Commands

Real-time notifications are not required for this application to work but are very helpful for confirming that a command was run, or to see an event log of when these actions occurred.

See the screenshot below for example notifications readily available:

Please see our other guides on how to use the various parameters to customize notifications or reach out to support for help if needed.


Reporting for these devices is done as a standard event filter report. Please see the Reporting guides on how to setup this up or reach out to support for assistance with customizing notifications or reports for filtering specific events.

Automating Commands

Commands can be automated in 2 ways.

  • Notifications for real-time, triggered commands.
  • Jobs for time-scheduled, commands.

Please see below for direct screenshots on selecting the command option. Please see our general guides for more details on Notifications and Jobs, or reach out to support for assistance.


Use a trigger type:

Then select the Execute a command option:


Time-based automated reports.


From <https://www.mifleet.us/support/hvat-remote-setup/>












Cut original starter wire to key

Green wire turns on and off relay




5C875 Starter Relay Kit







Ignition Switch/Key



To Starter



12V power







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