Tool Tracking Configuration

Tool Tracking Configuration

Tool Tracking

Keep track of equipment using BLE beacons. When an asset fixed with a wireless beacon moves in and out of its assigned gateway's proximity, a notification is sent into the MiFleet platform which includes a report of the tool name and its approximate location on the map.



MFM13A (3-wire)


MF#BTSID1-B (Eye Beacon)

Sensor Properties

Create and Modify beacon sensor properties as needed. Each beacon will require separate sensors to be created.
ie Tool_Name = Generator etc.


Tool_Name, this sensor is used to assign the specific Tool that was created in Trailer assignment module. (MAC ID param: beacon_<MACID>_id)

*Be sure to set Validator, Validate type, Validate Separation and Separation code

*Be sure to set Validator, Validate type, Validate Separation and Separation code

Display Optional:

Tool_Name_Detection, this sensor is specific to the tool detected in Range or Out of Range. Or No Beacon Detected. (RSSI param: beacon_<MACID>_rssi)

Tool_Name_Estimated Distance, this sensor is used to determine the estimated distance between sensor and tracker in meters. (RSSI param: beacon_<MACID>_rssi)

#(number) of Beacons Connected, this sensors counts the number of beacons detected and connected to tracker. (param beacon_count)

Do Not Display

const0 - Validation, this sensor is used to validate beacon separation.

548 - Validation, this sensor is used to validate beacon separation. (param event_io_id)

Tool will be assigned using Trailer Module in MiFleet:

Name = Tool_Name

Code = <enter_beacon_MAC_ID>


Automatic Trailer Assignment

How to setup automatic binding or assignment of beacons/trailers to a resource and units associated with that resource group.

Automatic Binding  

Go to the Trailers tab and click on the Automatic assignment list icon

Unit Selection

Select the resource for the trailers of which you want to configure automatic assignment


Create Notifications when Tools are Assigned or Separated and Separation by Beacon count.

Assignment, when trailer/tool is assigned or connects to tracker a notification is sent.

Separation, when trailer/tool assigned is separated from tracker a notification is sent.

Beacon count MAC:

beacon-Count-0 , when beacon count is 0 and trailers appear present this will clear assigned trailers a notification is sent

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